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Listen to your Body

Its time to massage!

A good massage is the art of kneading, rolling, stretching and pummelling fatigued, tired, knotted, sore, aching muscles back into shape with invigorated life using Swedish techniques which can be used in the case of injury or rehabilitation

 Deep tissue massage using insertion and exit points  can be relaxing to some clients but for most it definitely is challenging and not at all a whale music and smelly candles experience


We let our Hands do the Talking

Swedish Massage

Swedish massage is based on the Western concepts of anatomy and physiology, compared to the energy-centric style more common in Asian forms of massage.  Using massage oil we typically begin with broad general strokes and then transition to specific strokes to address problem areas

There are five basic strokes that we use: effleurage (long smooth strokes), petrissage (kneading and rolling), plucking (lifting and pulling), cupping, tapotement (hacking) and pounding (vibration and shaking movements)Swedish massage provides full-body muscle relaxation, and it can be especially helpful if you’re recovering from an injury

We also welcome GP and Hospital referrals.  If your GP practice is not listed on our GP Referral Scheme, please ask us for our form to give to your practice to complete

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